Calluses on the feet
Many people prefer to use traditional ways of removing calluses, despite alternative options that are much more effective. The calluses on the feet are often treated with pumice stones, rasps and files. Often, the feet develop calluses and pressure points, which can be extremely dangerous, especially for type 2 diabetics. The diabetic foot is known to require special care. This should only be done by an experienced podiatrist. For all other people, effective callus removal with Mosadal fluid and Mosadal cream is recommended. But first, let's take a look at the reasons why sweaty feet, pressure points, calluses and excess callus on the ball of the foot and heel actually develop. Why do we humans have calluses in the first place? In the past, people had no need for a chiropodist to regularly remove their cuticles and excess calluses. On the contrary, in the early days of human history, humans even needed a thick layer of cornea to hunt barefoot or on thin pieces of leather under the soles of their feet. To this day, many indigenous peoples do not wear shoes. Consequently, they do not suffer from foot problems caused by wearing shoes or wrongly chosen socks. Instead, thick layers of horn protect the soles of such people's feet from injury. Compression stockings were also unknown among indigenous peoples. They were also not necessary because of the high movement profile of tribal members. From this point of view, the formation of corneas was a protective device used by the body in the early days of human existence. In the meantime, however, our corneas have become rather obstructive and visually disturbing due to modern developments and a largely sedentary lifestyle. They are unattractive relics of our evolutionary development. It is interesting to note, however, that despite all the developments of civilisation, our brain still induces and controls the formation of the cornea. Every manual removal of corneal areas by pumice stone or rasping consequently initiates a new formation of corneal areas. One could even jokingly speak of a certain yoyo effect. The organism still tries to protect itself from injury in this way. This cycle can be interrupted and regulated with Mosadal. Gradually, the formation of calluses becomes weaker through the application of Mosadal fluid. The overwhelming smell of cheese feet disappears at the same time with proper foot care. With Mosadal, cuticle and callus removal becomes child's play, with a long-term effect when used frequently. Removing calluses from the feet with Mosadal lotion and foot tub Finally, even immobile people can remove calluses from their feet easily, without discomfort and without much effort. The MOSADAL foot tub has been designed so that the heel and ball of the foot can be soaked precisely and specifically using the MOSADAL lotion: E.g. there is a depression at the bottom edge of the MOSADAL foot tub. The aim of this is that the often stubborn, very pronounced callus rings on the heel can be softened and removed particularly efficiently in this depression. The middle, slightly curved part of the MOSADAL foot tub with its rough surface is also particularly practical. Here, the callus can be roughened beforehand.
Simply select the areas to be treated and place a layer of cotton wool in the foot tub in the exact places concerned. Then soak with MOSADAL lotion and place the areas with calluses on the moistened cotton wool. To increase the surface area and to allow MOSADAL lotion to be better absorbed into the dead tissue, we recommend rubbing the skin lightly on the surface. It is important that the cornea is dry - warm - rough.
Step 1: The innovative Mosadal foot tub as delivered.Step 2: Now Mosadal lotion comes into play. Simply select the areas to be treated and place a layer of cotton wool in the foot tub in the exact places concerned. Then saturate with MOSADAL lotion and place the areas with calluses on the moistened cotton wool. To increase the surface area and to allow MOSADAL lotion to be better absorbed into the dead tissue, we recommend rubbing the skin lightly on the surface. Now leave the lotion to work for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the thickness of the callus). Afterwards, the hard callus that has turned into jelly is simply scraped off gently on the patented scraper in the middle of the MOSADAL foot tub. This is made of a particularly strong plastic and - like the MOSADAL stainless steel spatula - ensures efficient removal of the dead callus that has turned into jelly.
Step 3: Make yourself comfortable and position your feet. Step 4: On the rough bulge in the middle of the foot tub, the callus can be roughened beforehand. Cover the side areas of the big toe, which often have particularly pronounced and hardened calluses, with a thin layer of cotton wool from the side, apply a few drops of MOSADAL lotion and let it work for 10 to 30 minutes. To permanently protect your skin from renewed callus growth, apply MOSADAL Urea Cream to your feet once a day. Now leave the lotion to take effect for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the thickness of the callus). Afterwards, the hard callus that has turned into jelly is simply scraped off gently on the patented scraper in the middle of the MOSADAL foot tub. This is made of a particularly strong plastic and - like the MOSADAL stainless steel spatula - ensures efficient removal of the dead callus that has turned into jelly.